Originally named the FMG-9 or Folding Machine Gun 9mm, the name was changed to FPG as FMG was deemed to aggressive for what it was, as this is a gun you bring to a negotiation, not a shootout. It is a gun of self defense, a last resort, a personal defense weapon. This is a piece you bring to the scene where you want to look unarmed.
Concealable in plain sight as it folds into a box, this can be disguised as a small package, or even a large laptop battery. Simply attach an M3 flashlight to the rail under the carry-handle/sight combo and the FPG becomes a portable security flashlight that should the unfortunate need arise, or should all hell break loose, near-instantly turns into a compact carbine/PDW for self defense.
Made almost entirely out of high-strength fiber-reinforced polymer, this gun is light and maneuverable giving you that reaction time you need to draw, deploy and sight your weapon on target to defuse any hostile situation quickly and with maximum prejudice. The carry handle (as already mentioned) ha built-in sights but for those of use looking to speed up our target acquisition even more, there is a rail under the removable carry handle to allow the mounting of reflex sights, red dots and other optics and accessories.
This kit, however, is still just a kit, and requires the donation of KSC/KWA 18C upper internals, including the slide itself. Installation is easy but it's not a small task, requiring you to replace the fire mode selector and remove the sights. The kit also comes with a spare loading nozzle for the 18C.
If you're a tactical shooter who likes to be prepared at all times, have a secret service get-up and want the ultimate in concealed weaponry, or are just a Magpul fan and need to have all the latest gear that is Magpul flavored, then this is the ultimate purchase for you.
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