Tokyo Marui AEG generation "CQB-R] [Close Quarter Battle Receiver"
U.S. Navy NSWC (known as "lab crane") that sent the world a number of improvements to meet the research and development of major weapon in the larger environment.
Since 2001, the Navy SEALs in 赴I to combat terrorism, in-room clearing operations in charge of guarding dignitaries or small, strong demand for good maneuverability for short-barreled carbine, the NSWC in response to voice began to develop a new short-barreled carbine.
First place [CQB-R] is a short barrel for close combat 10.3inch (262mm) barrel with a "top receiver for close combat" refers to the.
CQB-R Type 1 in the initial, 14.5inch barrel was cut down Due to the 10.3inch barrel, from 0.16 to 0.18mm diameter gas pipe is larger, the improvements made to eliminate malfunctions. Ring exchange ceremony and three points from four types also changed the type 5.
Flash suppressor is made by Knights M4-QD types are exchanged, the company QDSS-NT4 silencer can be fitted, the rear site was considered the assumption of optical devices attached, LMT equipped with a site made by the rear. Type 2 is more, NSWC has played a definitive agreement with the Navy to transition to volume production.
At this stage, SOCOM new ammunition to deploy a new forward [Mk262/R2LP] and matching is important, SPR, SOPMOD M4 measure progress in order to experiment with common ammunition.
Type 3A in the last type are found in the work environment for all materials were reliable. Later, the Navy owns [M16AI] using a receiver connected with the bottom of the CQB-R [Mk.18 MOD.0] have been developed, with a fleet of naval vessels rummaging VBSS duty forces, including the Coast Guard adopted is, utilizing the most good maneuverability in the narrow submarine where the child is widely used as a CQB carbine only. Site needs to quickly form, special development department to realize that the U.S. Navy [NSWC], the color must be things in the future we will have spun off a special weapon.