Friday, July 11, 2008
Basic Safety Guidelines

1.Always treat airsoft guns as if they are loaded and handle them with care.
2.Do not shoot your gun at anything other than an official safety target. Only put your finger on the trigger if you are ready to fire your gun. Accidental firing particularly at close range can result in damaged eyes or lost teeth.
3.Do not brandish an airsoft gun in a public place. They should be used in designated areas for airsoft gun use.
4.A note to parents of children using airsoft guns. If your child brings an airsoft gun to school or uses it in any other public place they run the risk of being suspended or even arrested. In the worst case scenario they risk being shot by a police officer as airsoft guns are often excellent copies of real firearms and can quite easily be mistaken for the real thing.
5.To minimize the potential for unexpected injury, always be aware of what is behind, beyond and either side of your target before you fire your gun at your target.
6.Airsoft guns shoot plastic pellets at a slower rate than that of a real firearm. Therefore airsoft guns can be used to shoot at human targets without injury but under certain conditions. The most important condition is eyewear. Never shoot at someone who is not wearing proper protective eyewear. Recommended eyewear are eye goggles rated at least ANSI Z87.1 or goggles used for paintball. Always wear eye goggles yourself when you are using airsoft guns.
7.Other recommended safety accessories are a thick jumper or eve a bullet proof vest if possible, plastic hip guards and forearm guards, knee protection and shin guards, steel toe combat boots and leather gloves. Cover all skin areas as much as possible.
8.When transporting your gun to and from a game carry it in a gun case. The gun case is safe, protects your gun and can be used to store Airsoft pistols, accessories and spare magazines. Remember in some places using a case is the only legal way to carry your gun. Respect the laws of the area in which you are carrying your gun.
9.Airsoft guns can not be bought by children under 18 and can only be used by children under 18 if supervised correctly.
10.Be aware of all local and federal laws governing the buying, carrying and use of airsoft guns. Contact your local police department for more information.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
First Skirmish

Its about 3 years ago i played airsoft for first time. I joint in to SAG-ID , SAG-ID where stand for Spring Airsoft Gunner Indonesia, This community playing airsftgun Spring type. SAG-ID had motto " Safety , Fair and Fun " and Airsoftgun for Everyone. As we know Spring Airsoftgun was more cheaper then electric airsoftgun and if you using Spring Airsoftgun you have cocking the gun before you shoot.That mean you really need patience full to playing Spring Airsotgun.
At my first skirmish there is only 30 persons, and in that time that was bigger person playing Airsoft. My friend borrow me his airsoftgun and i am still using shirt , allstart shoes and no BDU wearing.Its was so amazing i can playing airsoftgun at that time. Because i only know this hobbies from stories of my friend.
And after that, i become a airsofter junkies hunting a gear ,airsoftguns and etc. :D
Night Skirmish
Ok, i thing its enough stories how and when the airsoft gun hobby began. Now I like to tell you this weekend i have an schedule for Night Skirmish. We'll playing skirmish on night time , In my community we call it TK ( Temu Kangen ) or Gathering in English. TK scheduling for one time in a mount. this mounth we will play at night time.
The location are Lido Resort Lake at Bogor West Java. The terrain is pinus tree and beside of Lido Airstrip. This land also using for family recreation. Ok i'll let you now the journal next week. get my airsoft and full gears coz.
The location are Lido Resort Lake at Bogor West Java. The terrain is pinus tree and beside of Lido Airstrip. This land also using for family recreation. Ok i'll let you now the journal next week. get my airsoft and full gears coz.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
What are airsoft guns ?

What are airsoft guns ? Airsoft guns are realistic-looking toy guns that fire small plastic BBs to ranges of 25 to 45m at speeds of around 75 - 100 meters per second. Airsoft game is a paintball-like team game that's originally come out of Japan. Most airsoft weapons come with hop-up and come in three basic types:
1) Springers - manually cock the firing spring before each shot is required.
2) Gas - use compressed gas to propel BBs . 3) Electric - the most popular and the hottest automatic weapons that use a motor to push back the spring between shots with a rate of fire of up to 1000 rounds per minute .
Good for both of experts and beginners , especially for beginners . There are so many different types of guns to be used in paintball. There are electric guns and airsoft guns. But there are so many different brands of guns to choose from, how do you know which ones to choose. One style of gun is the Tokyo Marui Glock 17 3rd Generation Airsoft. This is a gas blowback air pistol. This air soft gun looks like a real pistol. It is an accurate pistol that looks very, very real. Another real looking gun is from the company CYMA, you can get these guns in Machine Markers, Assault rifles, Sub Machine Markers and even a James Bond Pistol. These are just a few of the air soft rifles. Some of these markers are cheap gas and electric air soft guns. These guns are for those beginner players that are just starting out. The more experienced players play with markers that cost anywhere from $ 400 to $ 2000 plus.
The experienced players take the game much more seriously, they are weekend players and tournament players not a once a month player. They know what it is like to get hit with a paintball or a BB and they don’t mind because their adrenaline is pumping and they can’t feel it. That is a true player. ICS is another name brand of air soft markers. There is the ICS MP5 A4 is a AEG. This markers is made from metal and you can use one battery charge all day. The starter pack comes with the marker, the battery, the charger and a 3700 rounds of BB’s. The ICS CAR97 with LE Stock. This gun has a full metal body with a reinforced barrel. It can carry 400 round magazine, it is a great gun for the advanced player. The UTG which stands for Under the Gun. This air soft brand is run by the company leapers. The UTG line is not for kids or beginners. These are hard core markers. The Accushot Competition Shadow has the Ultimate Bolt Action Airsoft Spring Rifle. The marker comes with a spare magazine, tactical sniper rifle sniper with an effective long range shooting. These guns are not toys they should be left for tournament players only. These markers all run a pretty penny and while you want the best products you don’t want to spend your life’s savings on one marker unless you have to.
There are so many places where you can find less expensive markers. On the site you can get a wide variety of air soft guns for a less expensive price. They have so many in stock that it may be hard to buy just one. They have great air soft pistols like the Green Gas Guns, Electric Blade Trinity Style, Electric Robocop Pistol FPS-150 Blowback Airsoft guns. They have the AEG Electric M4, The Spring Pump Riot Shotgun Remington 870 with FPS-250 Pistol Grips. They have the UTG series, the Spring Well MP5 Sub. Choose your markets carefully, these super powerful markers are not for indoor play they should be used outside and all players should be wearing the proper equipment . Everyone would be wearing safety glasses and the proper attire. When using these markets make sure the safety is on until you are ready to shoot because these markers can go off accidentally, almost like a real gun. Make sure that when you play that these guns are regulation and are allowed to be used where you play. Visit today and chose a great brand air soft gun that best fit your needs and your budget !
Airsoft definition

Airsoft by definition is a sport where players simulate military or law enforcement combat by using airsoft guns (which look a lot like real guns, to add to the realism) and other airsoft gear. The game of airsoft was developed in Japan, where firearms were (and still are) almost impossible to get without resorting to illegal means. An alternative was developed, and that alternative was airsoft. Because of this, it is no surprise that airsoft is actually most popular in East Asian countries such as China, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea (North Korea is more interested in using real guns!)
Unlike paintball, it is incredibly hard to tell if somebody has been hit. No splatters are made on the skin or clothes, and unless the person screams in agony or pain, you will not know if they are hit. That is why the game of airsoft relies on the “Honor System”, where players lift their gun up and say, “Hit”. Also, one player on each team is usually designated as a medic, to revive players so they can resume play. Weapon hit rules vary depending on the game. Usually, a weapon being hit is the same as the player being hit, but if the person has a sidearm, rules can be modified so that the person just is not allowed to use their primary and must instead only use the sidearm.
The three types of airsoft guns are spring, electric, and gas. Spring guns are usually cheap but can get very expensive if they fire at a high FPS. Electric, also known as AEG, guns are powered by a battery and the main advantage is that they are automatic, but are generally not very powerful unless upgraded. Gas guns are the most powerful, and gases supported include carbon dioxide, propane, green gas, red gas, and high pressure air (HPA).

"CLASSIC ARMY" is a world leading brand in developing and manufacturing 1:1 Scale AirSoft Electric Guns, full range of Accessories and Replica Parts.
We are the pioneer of making metal body for AEG since 1997. Our dedicated Designs and the finest furnishings of the metal bodies became very popular Throughout the world, which bring a large revolution into the airsoft industry. In 2000, "CLASSIC ARMY" launched the first piece of full metallic airsoft electric gun in the market.
For offering more realistic products to airsoft enthusiasts, collectors and law enforcement units, we start to invest in real firearms trademarks and produce the Following precision products with Real Gun Logo:
M15 series with the trademark of Armalite Inc ., USA
MP5 series with the trademark of B&T, Switzerland
SLR series with the trademark of Arsenal Inc ., USA
AUG series with the trademark of Steyr Arms ., Austria
SAR series with the trademark of Schwaben Arms ., Germany
DSA series with the trademark of DS Arms, Inc ., USA
To provide excellent products and services to our valued customers, we use only superior materials and high manufacturing techniques for our products. "CLASSIC ARMY" products is the first company in the airsoft industry achieves the international safety certificate (CE).
"CLASSIC ARMY" selected the strongest customer-oriented worldwide distributing partners, which ensure us to have the widely distributed sales network and to provide excellent after-sales services to our customers.
With a philosophy of striving for excellence, "CLASSIC ARMY" will keep on investigating, innovating and lead of the development of airsoft industry.
Tokyo Marui is the top airsoft manufacturer in the world, closely seconded by Classic Army. They are located in Tokyo, Japan, and sell mainly to Japan but also heavily to surrounding Asian areas, as well as worldwide. The company is known for manufacturing high-quality AEGs (automatic electric guns), although they also produce electric, gas, and some spring pistols. Beyond airsoft, Tokyo Marui is known for making radio controlled cars and tanks. In fact, Tokyo Marui has combined the two hobbies, manufacturing radio controlled tanks that fire BBs.
The AEGs that Tokyo Marui manufactures are primarily plastic due to Japanese law, so they are not as strong as the full metal counterparts created by competitors like Classic Army. However, Tokyo Marui’s AEGs do achieve high speeds, high rates of fire, and are very endurable. Tokyo Marui has several series of AEGs, which are categories of airsoft guns based off one, real firearm. For example, some of the series Tokyo Marui features are the M14, MP5, and SIG series, although there are a significantly further number of series available.
Tokyo Marui makes both automatic electric pistols and electric blowbacks. While the EBBs fire at a slower velocity than the AEPs, they are more realistic in that their slides “blow back” when fired. AEPs do not have this feature, as their internal workings take up all the room inside the device. Tokyo Marui manufactures AEPs such as the H&K USP, Glock 18C, and Beretta M9. Some EBBs they produce include M92F, Desert Eagle .50AE, and Combat Delta.
The gas pistols that Tokyo Marui makes are primarily blowback, and use HFC-134A as the means of propulsion, although green gas can also be used (although it usually damages the gun). Some EBBs like the M92F and Desert Eagle .50AE have gas counterparts, but most of the pistols in the gas blowback section are unique to that area.
Spring shotguns produced by Tokyo Marui are popular because they can fire three BBs at once. Similar to shotguns are grenade launcher models, which also fire bursts of BBs. Popular models for shotguns include the SPAS-12 and M3 Shorty, and for grenade launchers, include the M203 grenade launcher (which is actually attached to a rifle).
Many new AEGs have recently been announced, and there are many models that are rumored to come out, and most of them are highly anticipated. Upcoming airsoft guns include not only AEGs but a variety of pistols as well.
Airsoft Gun History
The history of “airsoft" originated in Japan during the mid-1970s, mainly because it was illegal to own firearms by private individuals. The first airsoft guns available were spring-powered replicas of firearms that fired 6mm, plastic pellets or BBs. The gun then spread to China, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines and became very popular chiefly because of firearm restrictions in these countries.
The first airsoft guns were those air driven pellet guns, cap-type guns and spring driven pellet guns. The early Japanese air driven pellet guns were based on semi-automatic pistols. They were spring powered. The plastic pellet was propelled by air when the spring piston was released. In the cap-type guns, powerful an explosive cap was used to make the sound of gunfire and to eject the spent cartridge. In spring driven pellet guns, a spring was used to propel the pellet held between two small locks and released when the gun was fired.
Mattel, the famous American toy company had already marketed a product called “Shootin Shells" way back in the 1950s. These guns were identical to the spring driven pellet guns and had Stik-M-Caps that explode to emulate the sound of gunfire. In the 1980s, Daisy BB Gun Company manufactured spring gun models called Replisoft and Soft Air shot at each other by opposing players.
The popularity of airsoft guns in the United States and Europe began in the mid-1990s. There is continued growing interest in the west. In 2003, Daisy started manufacturing and marketing airsoft guns once again in the United States. “Powerstrike" is the brand name used by the company. Other manufacturers are following in Daisy’s footsteps and a host of different models have entered the United States airsoft gun market.
The first airsoft guns were those air driven pellet guns, cap-type guns and spring driven pellet guns. The early Japanese air driven pellet guns were based on semi-automatic pistols. They were spring powered. The plastic pellet was propelled by air when the spring piston was released. In the cap-type guns, powerful an explosive cap was used to make the sound of gunfire and to eject the spent cartridge. In spring driven pellet guns, a spring was used to propel the pellet held between two small locks and released when the gun was fired.
Mattel, the famous American toy company had already marketed a product called “Shootin Shells" way back in the 1950s. These guns were identical to the spring driven pellet guns and had Stik-M-Caps that explode to emulate the sound of gunfire. In the 1980s, Daisy BB Gun Company manufactured spring gun models called Replisoft and Soft Air shot at each other by opposing players.
The popularity of airsoft guns in the United States and Europe began in the mid-1990s. There is continued growing interest in the west. In 2003, Daisy started manufacturing and marketing airsoft guns once again in the United States. “Powerstrike" is the brand name used by the company. Other manufacturers are following in Daisy’s footsteps and a host of different models have entered the United States airsoft gun market.
Airsofter Journal

Bravo Airsofter ..!!
In this blog, I'll share a Journal of Airsofter ever had in this hobbies. Almost 3 years playing airsoft war game i never know who's the people behind this hobbies. Some people said this hobbies come from Japan, because in Japan civilian cant have permit from they goverment for using real gun. not even for trying.
So some of young japanese going study to America, In America they free to trying real gun at gun shooting club. Then after they came back into Japan they had an idea to make Replica of Guns. And the stories go on till now. Japan is one of more biggest Airsoftgun producer.
Ok keep update form this blog..we will know about airsoftgun journal from the past untill today.
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