Jing Gong's recent release of the AU-1G has been topped by their latest Airsoft Steyr AUG Release: the AU-2G. The AU-2G is also know as Jing Gong airsoft model number JG0449A. Jing Gong Airsoft Gun Company has again created an excellent airsoft TM/CA clone that can be had for under $175USD.
While it looks like the earlier version, the Jing Gong AU-2G has some surprising differences. First, the body is made of Solid Nylon ABS plastic, and has the feel of the real Steyr AUG composite material. The barrel, scope mount, scope body, upper receiver, sling mounts and gas tube are all metal. The color is an olive/drab grey shade; very close to the real Steyr Aug. The 330-round hicap magazine is the wind-up waffle style, constructed of nylon ABS plastic. Just holding the AU-2G, It is obvious Jing Gong Built it to take a beating on the airsoft skirmish field. The Jing Gong AU-2G comes with an integrated, adjustable 1.5x magnifying scope. The Au-2G scope optics are crystal clear! The scope body has open sites on top if you cannot use the scope in low lighting or CQB scenarios. We have noticed that some of the scopes have tilted cross-hairs out of the box. This is easily fixed with an inside span wrench to turn the scope optics ever so slightly. There is also a collapsible front grip. It's solid, but has a tolerable wobble to it. Pulling back the mock charging handle exposes the Hop-up dial located on the stock. The Hop-up can be accessed on the left or the right, accommodating left-handed and right-handed airsoft players. The Jing Gong AU-2G also sports easy field disassembly into 3 main components (Stock, upper receiver, and barrel assemblies). The Jing Gong Au-2G is approximately 31.5 inches long and weighs in at 7lbs 11oz when empty.

Following the design of the real steel Steyr AUG, this Airsoft Bullpup rifle functions the same way. The safety is a push button type with a red or white dot indicating safe and fire modes. Semi-Automatic fire is accomplished by pulling the trigger half-way. Depressing the trigger all the way switches to full-auto fire. The JG AU-2G chrono'd rate of fire is around 15 rounds per second (900 rpm) using a Guarder 2000 chronograph. The AU-2G comes with an 8.4v 1100mAh mini-battery that fits into the rear of the stock. You might be able to get a 1200mAh battery in there, but it would be tight; there's not much room for battery upgrades. With the included battery we fired four full hi-cap magazines through it before the voltage started to drop off. The fifth magazine drained out the remaining charge. The AU-2G sports a metal Version 3 Gearbox and rubber hop-up. With .2g TSD Tactical BBs we chrono'd the AU-2G between 342 - 351 Feet Per Second (FPS). Accuracy with .2g - .25g BBs was pretty good up to 100-150 feet. We were able to hit a soda can consistently at 150 feet.


Battery Compartment
Overall, this gun is well worth the investment. Jing Gong Airsoft keeps improving their airsoft offerings with each new product and version. It's no wonder they are rapidly becoming the most popular of the Chinese manufacturers. If you are a fan of Bullpup series or unique European issue rifles, you are going to enjoy owning the Jing Gong AU-2G Airsoft rifle.
1:1 scale Steyr Aug Airsoft Electric Rifle
Solid Nylon ABS and cast metal components
Metal Version 3 Gear Box
Adjustable Hop-up
330 Round Hi-Cap rear mounted magazine
Built in 1.5x magnification, adjustable scope
342-351 FPS Muzzle Velocity (.2g BBs)
900 Rounds per Minute Rate of fire
8.4v 1100mAh mini battery and wall charger (included)
Collapsible fore-grip
Easy Break down for maintenance/transport
TM Compatible