The AK-47 has been used successfully by military forces worldwide for years and has spawned a whole line of different models. The JG AK-47 is another excellent airsoft reproduction of the AK-47 manufactured by Jing Gong. However, unlike other airsoft AK-47 this one has numerous features that set it apart from the rest on the market. Most of the exterior of the gun is constructed of JG's high quality plastic; the barrel assembly, receiver cover, and selector switch are all constructed of metal. The body is made out of a special durable material and sets a firm foundation for the rest of the gun. Not only has JG built a solid gun by they also throw in a few goodies, like 2 high capacity magazines and a mag clamp for fast reloading.
Gearbox Type: Ver. 3
Length: 860mm
Weight: 2800g
Battery Type: Large Pack
Magazine Capacity: 600 rounds
Muzzle Velocity: 350-380 fps