The weapon of choice from the Japanese fictional character, Golgo 13 from the Golgo 13 line of Manga (Japanese Comics); the Marui M16 Golgo 13 Custom was first introduced in the late 1960s, throughout the years, the customized M16 changed with the Golgo 13s character as he was developed into a more sophisticated character.
This version of the M16 is taken from the newly made Golgo 13 anime series in 2008 and features the customized M16A2 with a static high-rise cheek rest, and a 3-9x40mm scope mounted on an MP5/G3 raised scope mount. Although the body is constructed of ABS it is very solid.
The M16 Golgo 13 Custom comes in a solid case, with scope covers and a Golgo 13 poster.
Total Length: 999mm